Get your website professionally reviewed
Let us help you take a first step in getting your website analyzed for speed, search engine optimization, and content relevance. Yes, you have a website but is it being found? Are people actually using your website or are they leaving because your website is loading too slowly? We will do a quick review of your website and offer recommendations. If it is deemed that you need a new website, we will credit you the fee towards your new website.
We will prepare a professional assessment for $75.

What’s included?
Some of the items that we will cover in your website review.
Speed test on desktop and mobile
If your website is slow to load, chances are, people will leave. You will want your pages to load in three seconds or less, 40% of visitors will abandon websites that haven’t loaded within three seconds. The lower you can get that number, the better! -
Content Review
review for page count and keywords. -
Layout check
Google has certain requirements for site structure. Is your website compliant? -
Backlink Analysis
Are your links all working? Do you have enough to satisfy Google? -
User experience testing
Is your website easy to navigate? Can your users find what they need easily and intuitively? -
Everything up to date?
Is your WordPress or CMS running the latest version? If not, this could lead to website hacks or website malfunctions.