Website Maintenance

your technology partner
Website Maintenance

Do you enjoy updating your website?

The answer to that question above, is usually a solid ‘No’.
You are busy running your business and don’t have time to keep your website fresh and up to date.

Why hire a full time employee when you can hire Grateful Web Services to handle all of your website updates and changes? When your employees come and go, you have the guarantee of a stable and reliable company taking care of your website. 

We are very proud of our turnaround time for your requests. We guarantee a 24 -48 hour response time.  However, we take pride in having most edits completed sooner than that.

Remember, your site is not out of your clients’ sight. If your website is on the Internet, people are seeing it. Make sure that it represents your company positively!

We have different options based on your needs. Let’s talk!

image for website maintenance


  1. 1 to 1 1/2 Hours per month
    If you anticipate minimal monthly changes
  2. 2-3 hours per month
    Moderate changes but not weekly
  3. 4 hours per month
    If you anticipate at least one weekly change
  4. 5 – 5 1/2 hours per month
    Active changes per month. For the business owner who wants to keep their website fresh on a weekly basis
your technology partner

Get Started

Give us a call or drop us a note and let’s see what we can do for you!