Goodbye to the old and hello to the new!
I imagine everyone is looking forward to a brighter 2021!
2020 was tough for all of us but especially for the many who have been ill, lost loved ones, and jobs. Most of us have lost the ability to go out and enjoy a movie, concert, or even share dinner at a friend’s home. My heart goes out to all of the people we lost to this pandemic and their grieving loved ones.
There were also a lot of good things that happened! For me, it was a chance to really focus on learning new things. I felt so stagnated for years being a paper pusher as a project manager and working for someone else. Although I still love managing website projects, I also filled in a lot of gaps in my own knowledge base learning new technologies that are ever-changing. I love learning and finding that place in myself again has been really wonderful. I wake up every day with gratitude that I am the captain of my own ship, that I am not living someone else’s dream but my own. I love working with other entrepreneurs who are small business owners themselves. The web is always changing with new technologies coming out constantly and although in my early years I was in a constant state of learning, I am once again enjoying my growth.
My 83-year-old father has spent his life seeking learning experiences, which have brought him all over the world and this has included learning and speaking multiple languages. One thing he always taught me was to seek new information, love learning, and that you are never told old to learn! He took up learning to speak Mandarin in his later years which has been quite a challenge! He also imparted to me the importance of having interests because that will sustain you throughout your life. I have so many interests and found that I am rarely ever “bored”. So, with alone time being plenty, I have truly made the most of it. Building my website development skills, design skills, creating art, cooking, and really taking time to better myself. Now the goal is to stay healthy and make the most out of each day. I am grateful for my health, my loved ones, my ability to learn new things, and having a natural thirst for knowledge. Most importantly, I take one day at a time and focus on what I can control in this time of uncertainty!
Laura Rider
Grateful Web Services